The control shall have the capability Sequence number search.
to permit the operator to search for any desired sequence number. Mirror image. The machine shall be capable of producing either
right- or left-hand parts from the same tape data through the inversion of X
Inversion of each axis shall be by keyboard or switch entry.
and Y axes.
Mirror image shall not affect the directional sense of manual controls.
Reverse settings shall be displayed on the data display. Preparatory function (G-Codes). The preparatory function codes
of the control shall be in accordance with EIA Standard RS-274. If BCL data
input is specified, codes in EIA-RS-494 shall apply.
The miscellaneous function Miscellaneous functions (M-Codes).
codes of the control shall be in accordance with EIA Standard RS-274. If
BCL data input is specified, codes in EIA RS-494 shall apply.
The control shall have block delete feature to Block delete.
permit by-passing of blocks of programmed data.
The control shall have buffer storage for
Buffer storage.
transferring command data from the tape reader to internal storage without
delaying the next incoming command and without interrupting the machine
The internal storage shall delay or store multiple blocks of
data until required by the controlling devices.
The control shall have a block-by-block Block-by-block read.
read function to provide for reading information one block at a time.
The control shall have a tool length
Tool length offsets.
offset feature to permit adjustments to the programmed tool length by means
of manual data input. The tool length offset feature shall have a range of
not less than the following:
Inch system
Metric system
Cutter compensation shall be provided to Cutter compensation.
compensate for cutter diameters differing from those utilized in program-
ming. The cutter compensation shall have a range of not less than the fol-
1 owing:
Inch system
Metric system
b. Fixture compensation. A fixture compensation feature shall be
provided to permit compensation for fixture position errors. Reversal error compensation. Reversal error compensation shall
be provided for each axis of motion to compensate for drive gear backlash
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